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The Siwa's oracle is present everywhere in our western culture

The Siwa's oracle is present everywhere in our western culture and this is what fascinated me at the beginning of my studies.

and this is what fascinated me at the beginning of my studies.

In the temple of Christianity, the Sistine Chapel, inside the Vatican, Michelangelo Buonarroti has realized the most famous cycle of frescoes in the history of art and, in this great masterpiece, there is also the Siwa's oracle under the name of "Sibilla Libica" where "sibilla" is the Latin word for oracle.

"Michelangelo's Libyan Sibyl, Sistine Chapel: The so-called Libyan Sibyl was identified with prophetic priestess presiding over the ancient Zeus-Amon (Zeus represented with the horns of Amon) oracle at the Siwa Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt." #Siwa #LibianSibyl #SistineChapel

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